Rotonda West Vacation Properties

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Rotonda West Vacation Home Rentals
Rotonda, a small town located on the Cape Haze Peninsula of Florida, is best known for its beautiful scenery and vibrant local communities. While staying in this part of Charlotte County, guests of Rotonda West vacation rentals, homes, and condos can see why Rotonda is such a special place. In this town, which is approximately a two hours drive away from the major urban center of Tampa, relaxation and a laid back attitude are a way of life, providing an excellent chance to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. There are several other similar communities in the region, including El JoBean, Cape Haze, and Englewood, each with the same climate and setting but their own unique attractions. Guests of vacation rentals in Rotonda West can take day trips to major Florida cities and metropolitan areas, or they can elect to spend their whole vacation in Rotonda itself.
Many of the activities and pastimes that are popular in Rotonda are based off of the location of the town on the Gulf Coast; right next to the ocean. Some of these activities include swimming, sunbathing, beach-combing, diving, and snorkelling. Charter cruises and deep sea fishing tours also capture the attention of many visitors and residents, since the waters of the Gulf of Mexico are rich with many different kinds of fish. Canoeing, kayaking, and shelling are also popular recreations, and the white sandy beaches provide the perfect atmosphere for all of these activities. This “Gem of the Sun coast” also provides guests of Rotonda vacation rentals by owner with chances to hike, bike, walk and just relax.

Rotonda vacation rentals