New Brunswick Vacation Properties

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New Brunswick Vacation Home Rentals


No small wonders', what could be more exciting a catchphrase for a destination that is as spellbinding as  New Brunswick! Yes, this marvelous province of Canada provides outstanding tourist attractions for you to revel in. Hopewell Rocks, Fundy National park, Parlee beach... these are just the appetizers waiting for you at New Brunswick, the ultimate vacation buffet in Canada! The town of Saint Martins is basically a fisherman town, but the town is hugely popular among tourists for its covered bridges, downtown areas, excellent seafood restaurants, and of course, ever-welcoming St Martins Vacation Rentals.
Fundy national park is a holiday hot spot in New Brunswick that lets visitors explore the ocean bottom and enjoy more than 20 waterfalls in the park. Hiking enthusiasts are in for the longest hiking surprise, the Fundy hiking trail that stretches for 41 Kilometers. Vacationers in New Brunswick province can also surprise themselves by visiting Hartland, home to the 1,282 foot Hartland Covered Bridge, which is the longest covered bridge in the world.